Day 111 – 112

IMG_20181209_210532698While I was still enjoying the Friday night celebration on Saturday morning, I was not feeling the best. I was little restless and very cold. This continued on Sunday as well but worse. On Sunday Dec 9th, in the late morning, I was not able to eat anything, feeling lot of pain in my calves and super cold. I had a jacket on and a blanket and was still cold. My mom took my temperature and there it was 100.8 deg. A little panic started. My mom took my blankets off and then waited to take the temp again. It was 100.0 deg and the third time 100.2 deg. She called the doctor and then he said what I did not want to hear that I need to go to the hospital. A lot of panic with packing the bag, getting me ready, planning for the possible stay. My brother started crying because he was scared but he calmed down because my grandma was there. My dad carried me to the car as my legs were hurting really bad.

I was laying in the emergency room with my parents by my side and the nurses and doctors asking questions about how I was feeling. We were waiting for the blood test results. My temp came as 101.4 deg. They said that it was real fever and I was admitted. I was upset but my dad is going to be with me so I was okay. I do not like it when they put saline in my port but I did not have a choice. They were flushing my port with saline and started the IV fluid and the Antibiotics. I was not happy but I handled it as my dad said that I am a tough guy.  I took the whole Tylenol pill with water and my nurse was amazed to see that. She said I am a pro in getting my port accessed and taking the pills. I did not give them hard time at all. They were taking blood for the blood culture for bacterial infection and nasal swab for the viral infections. My blood test results showed my hemoglobin was 7.2, my ANC only 20. No wonder I had the fever. I threw up once as I tried to eat but then I was just feeling cold.

I was moved upstairs on the pediatric floor from the emergency room. I had to wear the face mask and all the nurses were wearing the isolation gown and the mask. When my viral infection test came out negative then we could stop the mask and gowns. Later in the night time, I got one unit of blood transfusion. We were hoping that it will help me feel better. My temp was still fluctuating between 99.9 and 100.2 deg. I was restless but was able to manage sleeping in the night.

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